Lawyer Sunčica Ivanišević-Kukoč


Croatian, German, English


Certified Court Interpreter for the German Language

  • Born in Split, Croatia
  • In 1980 moved to Wiesbaden, Germany
  • Graduation exam at the Humboldt High School in Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 1999- 1st State Law Exam in Mainz, Germany (student at the Faculty of Law, Johannes Gutenberg)
  • 2001- 2nd State Legal Exam before the Ministry of Justice of Hessen, Germany
  • 2001/2002 Independent Lawyer in Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • 2002 moving to Croatia
  • 2002-2007 work in various Law Firms with International References in Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2005 Bar Exam in Croatia
  • 2007 Registration in the Directory of Lawyers and opening a Law Firm in Split, Croatia

Law Firm  Sunčica Ivanišević-Kukoč

Rooseweltova 20

21000 Split, Croatia

Tel: +385 21 388 782

Fax: +385 21 388 783


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